
Innovative models to improve access to care


We work to design and implement health programs that are high on impact and are rooted in the needs of communities. Our focus in healthcare is innovative access models that bring together diverse partners to ensure that health services are delivered at the last mile in a cost effective manner.

Cataract Surgeries

Working in association with Jorhat Lions Eye Hospital (Assam) we have supported 100+ cataract operations over the last three years. Cataract surgeries are increasingly viewed as a cost effective public health intervention. Further, research has shown that cataract-related blindness in India disproportionately affects the poor, and the treatment of this condition has important secondary societal benefits. Our endeavor is to work with local communities, delivering access to an efficient system for high-quality and low-cost cataract surgery. Our approach to this public health intervention is holistic in nature. We understand providing free cataract surgery may not automatically lead to high coverage. As we grow our efforts, we are focussed on implementing innovative access models that reduce the cost of surgery with due consideration to direct costs such as transportation and living as well as indirect costs such as loss of work for patients

BORBHAG Foundation

Mental Health

When it come to mental health in India, the biggest obstacle is lack of awareness – people are not even aware they are suffering from a mental health condition. Despite its enormous social burden, mental health remains a taboo subject. We believe that mental health requires comprehensive approaches focused on the continuum from awareness to prevention and care. Through our partnership Mental Health Foundation India (MHFI), we are jointly working to action programs focussed on fighting Stigma and ensuring better outreach of Psychiatrists & Psychologists, through innovative models of access including tele-guidance.

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BORBHAG Foundation


At, BORBHAG Foundations, we believe good nutrition has the power to build strong communities and spark joy in the future of a nation – its children. Nutritious food serves as the foundation to all aspects of life, ensuring sound physical and mental development. Our vision in this effort is to allow access to clean good nutrition irrespective of social or economic status. This, we believe, has the power to transform our society and build a generation that can serve as agents of change – an endeavor that echoes in everything we do. In the area, we are working to implement programs related to nutrition, aneamia and general health care improvement amongst tea garden workers of Assam through innovative partnerships.

BORBHAG Foundation

Innovative access for NCDs

Our experience shows that in the world of healthcare, strategic partnerships and multi stakeholder collaborations are driving implementation of exciting models to close gaps in access. We have worked to co conceptualize Public Private Partnership (PPP) models with a focus on NCDs such as cancer. Our past efforts have included the creation of a blueprint for improved access to cancer care across states in India.

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